VIDEO: Best Practices for push notification permissions 

In this video you’re going to learn 4 things you can do to increase the number of your mobile app users that choose to opt in to receive your push notifications.

Mobile push notifications are vital to keeping your users engaged with your app so when they choose to opt-out, it can have a negative effect on your marketing. Luckily, it's not impossible to get them to opt back in, but it isn't easy.

This video covers the best practices you need to know for your iOS push notification permissions to ensure that you get the highest opt-in rate possible.

A summary of the key points:

1. Don’t bombard your user during their first experience with your app.

2. Make use of pre-permission messages

3. Clearly explain the value and benefits your user receives from opting-in

4. Keep testing If you liked this video make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Also, for even more ways to better optimize your app marketing, feel free to head to and check out our resources page. It’s all free! Are you going to start putting any of the tips you’ve learnt from this video to the test? Or maybe you’d like to share any of your own tricks that we might have missed? Let us know by leaving a comment right below.

Read more about the best practices for push notifications here.